Shelby Street Boat Launch

Have you ever just wanted to get away from the hustle and bustle of life? Then grab your fishing pole and head for the Shelby Street Boat Launch.

Located on Sandusky Bay at Shelby and Water Streets, this nicely landscaped, hidden treasure provides a free launch for all boats. You can bask in the sun, drop your boat in the water and enjoy a relaxing day of fishing.

Shelby Street Boat Launch
101 Shelby Street
Sandusky, OH 44870

The Shelby Street Boat Launch is managed by Steve and Tammy Hammer of Hammertime Lures and Sandusky Bait Company. Call the Sandusky Bait Company: 419.366.3927  

Fishing TournamentsSandusky plays host to numerous fishing tournaments. Complete the application below if interested in hosting a fishing tournament in Sandusky. Questions? Call 419.627.5833.

Fishing Tournament Application

For use of the Shelby Street Boat Launch. Once form is complete and submitted, a staff person will reach out regarding the proposed fishing tournament.